Sunreport Features Overview

  • 7 Oct 2024
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1. Energy Production Summary: Daily and Monthly Insights

Energy Production Summary

This graph displays daily and monthly energy production values, providing a clear overview of how the system performs over short and long periods.

  • Daily Peaks and Troughs: Quickly spot high and low production periods to optimize energy usage and identify irregularities.
  • Monthly Aggregates: View how daily production adds up over the course of a month, giving a complete picture of energy generation.

2. Monthly Performance Overview: Deep Production Analysis

Monthly Performance Overview

The Monthly Performance Overview provides a breakdown of energy produced, expected values, and deviations for each month.

  • Detailed Metrics: Measured values, forecasted estimates, and deviations are displayed in a structured format, making it easy to analyze month-by-month performance.
  • Visual Comparison: The side-by-side bar and line charts highlight discrepancies, helping to visualize trends.

3. Multi-System Overview: Managing Multiple Installations Efficiently

Multi-System Overview

The Multi-System Overview is ideal for installers managing multiple PV installations. It presents all systems in a single, easy-to-read table.

  • Key Performance Metrics: Each system is listed with its power capacity, location, and efficiency ratings, making it easy to prioritize systems that require immediate attention.
  • Performance Alerts: Quickly identify systems with performance drops or other issues using color-coded indicators.
  • Activation Options: Seamlessly manage which systems are currently active or need further configuration.

4. System Overview: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at a Glance

System Overview

The System Overview provides a snapshot of the system’s performance metrics, including energy produced, deviations from forecasts, and total energy generated over the last 12 months.

  • Deviations Analysis: View deviations for the last week, month, and year to track ongoing system health.
  • Performance Status Indicators: Quickly assess the system’s health with visual OK indicators for each time frame.
  • Cumulative Production Data: Total energy generated over the past 12 months is prominently displayed, making it easy to communicate value to customers.

5. Daily Production Analysis: Hourly Insights

Daily Production Analysis

The daily production graph breaks down hourly production values, making it easier to analyze system performance at a granular level.

  • Hourly Monitoring: Keep track of how your system performs each hour, making it easier to detect abnormalities in energy generation.
  • Deviation Indicators: Immediate visual feedback on deviations from expected production helps in pinpointing the cause of performance issues.

Monthly Production Trends

This graph highlights monthly production trends for the selected year. The combination of bars and line graphs provides a clear visualization of production consistency.

  • Deviation Metrics: Track monthly deviations from expected performance to identify areas that require attention.
  • Forecast vs. Reality: View the overlap between initial forecasts, real-time estimates, and actual production, providing a comprehensive view of system behavior.

7. Production vs. Forecast: Real-Time Comparison

Production vs. Forecast

This view allows for a direct comparison between real production values and forecasted estimates, providing critical insights into system performance.

  • Real-Time Performance Monitoring: Compare the actual production against forecasted values to ensure systems are on track and immediately spot any deviations.
  • Deviation Analysis: Identify discrepancies between expected and actual production, allowing for quick adjustments or maintenance scheduling.

8. Data Sources: Yearly Production Overview

Data Sources

The Data Sources page offers a detailed view of the system’s energy production over the entire year. Each month is represented with a clear bar chart, making it easy to identify trends and patterns.

  • Monthly Production Analysis: Compare production across different months to spot seasonal variations and ensure that systems are operating as expected throughout the year.
  • Downloadable Reports: Quickly export annual data for further analysis or sharing with customers.